
[2019춘계] 다중 센서 융합 수중건설로봇 항법

논문저자정다빈, 고낙용, 정준혁, 윤석민, 김기훈, 이종무


간행물명2019춘계 학술대회



키워드UUV, IMU, DVL, USBL, EKF, Quaternion, Filtering

첨부파일 3.다중 센서 융합 수중건설로봇 항법.pdf

Abstract : This paper describes an implementation of IMU/DVL/USBL integrated navigation for an underwater construction robot. The method fuses the measurements by using EKF. IMU and DVL measurements are used for prediction of state variables, and USBL measurements are used for measurement update of the state variables. The method is implemented for navigation of a remotely operated vehicle developed for underwater construction. The implementation proved the feasibility of the proposed method for practical use.