
[2019춘계] 무인잠수정 항법시스템 사전 성능 검증을 위한 항법 시험치구 개발에 관한 연구

논문저자이한솔, 김호성, 이필엽, 심덕주, 윤무관, 김형철, 조건래, 박대길





키워드UUV, AUV, ROV, Docking Station, Underwater, Navigation, Sensor

첨부파일 8.무인잠수정 항법시스템 사전 성능 검증을 위한 항법 시험치구 개발에 관한 연구.pdf

Abstract : This paper focuses on the design of the NTS(Navigation Test System) to verify the performance of the navigation system prior to mounting the navigation system, which is a key technology in the operation of UUV(Unmmaned Underwater Vehicles), to UUV. The developed NTS consists of 5 kinds of navigation sensors mounted on the UUV, a navigation system part with interface board and processor, a support part, parts installed on the test ship, and parts to control the height of the support. The developed NTS was installed on the test ship and the sensor data logging test was performed. The overall contents of this experiment are also included in this paper.